Creating filters

  1. From the File menu select New to display the Create New Filter dialog.
  2. Select a filter type, and enter a Filter Name, Description and Lookup Code.
    Uwaga: Filter names and lookup codes must be unique.
    Uwaga: Characters that can be used for filter names and lookup codes are A-Z (upper case) and a-z (lower case) from the English alphabet, plus sign, hyphen, and underscore.
    Uwaga: If you want to view filters that have already been created, to avoid duplicating previously used names and codes, click the Query button alongside the Filter Name field.
  3. Select the Data Access Group (DAG) you want to be able to use the selected filter.
  4. If you wish to edit your filter further, click the Advanced button.
  5. Click OK. Data items available for the selected filter type are retrieved and displayed in the Data Item List.
    Uwaga:  The filter name is verified as unique for the given filter type and a new filter is created with the supplied details. If the filter name is not unique, an error message is displayed and you are prompted for a new name.

You may now want to add simple or compound conditions and sort criteria to your filter, or associate your filter with specific business units.