Setting up email notifications for profiles

You can set up the parameters in each profile so that a list of email users is automatically notified by email when processing is complete for the profile. The notification includes whether the process has succeeded or failed.

Uwaga: To use Email Notifications for Profiles, email must be set up in Configuration Manager (CGM). Select SSC > Email and specify the email server, port, user name and password.

You must be creating or amending a profile:

  1. In Target, click Email Notification.
  2. Specify this information:
    Email Notification
    In the Email Notification list, select Enabled to notify users when the profile has been processed, otherwise select Disabled.
    Email Address
    Enter the full email address to which you want a notification sent when processing is complete, using the appropriate format, such as name@emailserver.address. If you want to notify several email addresses, list them all in this field, separating each with a semi colon.
    Uwaga: Email addresses are not validated, therefore you are recommended to verify they are correct.
    Email Content
    The email notification automatically contains the text for whether the process has succeeded or failed. If you want to append any additional text to the notification, enter it here, otherwise leave blank.
  3. Click Save Profile.
  4. Click Yes to return to the Transfer Profiles dialog or click No to remain in the Transfer Profile Designer dialog.