The Generate Inventory Count Form

The Generate Inventory Count (ICG) form contains these fields.

  1. Specify this information:
    Inventory Count Defn Code
    The required inventory count to be used.
    This field is automatically populated once the inventory count code has been entered, but can be amended as required.

    The inventory count can specify ranges of inventory storage locations, item codes and batch references to be included in the count, as well as up to five analysis codes and up to five location storage characteristics. You can use up to four run time overrides, which allow you to enter values differing from the default at run time, if required. If any overrides are specified, they appear on the Generate Inventory Count form so you can enter the required values, as follows:

    Warehouse Range From and To
    The warehouses to be included in the count.
    Zone Range From and To
    The zones to be included in the count.
    Location Range From and To
    The locations to be included in the count.
    Item Code Range From and To
    The item codes to be included in the count.
    Batch Reference Range From and To
    The batch references to be included in the count.
    Product Group Range From and To
    The product group codes to be included in the count.
    Pareto Code Range From and To
    The pareto codes to be included in the count.
    Analysis Code
    The analysis code to be included in the count. This can be repeated for up to four analysis dimension/code overrides at run time. The dimension is specified in the setup, but the code ranges required can be entered here.

    The following fields refer to storage characteristics:

    Alphanumeric Range From and To
    The values to be included in the count if the type of data for the storage characteristic is alphanumeric range.
    Numeric Range From and To
    The numeric values to be included in the count if the type of data for the storage characteristic is a numeric range.
    Numeric Discrete Value
    The value to be included in the count if the type of data for the storage characteristic is a numeric discrete value.
    Alphanumeric Discrete Value
    The value to be included in the count if the type of data for the storage characteristic is an alphanumeric discrete value.
    Date Range From and To
    The dates to be included in the count if the type of data for the storage characteristic is a date range.
    Logical Value
    The value to be included in the count if the type of data for the storage characteristic is logical. For example, flammable is true.
  2. From the Action menu select Generate once the required details have been entered. The inventory is counted according to any parameters entered and the ranges specified. A message is displayed informing you when the inventory count generation has been completed successfully. The status of the count header is set as open.