Configuring the SSC server settings

Uwaga: Some properties require the SunSystems services to be restarted for changes to take effect. Where indicated by the Restart Services icon, use the Restart Services application to reset the services.
Uwaga: Clicking Default button resets the property to the system default value.

To configure the settings for the SSC server:

  1. Open the Configuration Manager (CGM).
  2. Select SSC > SSC Server.
  3. Configure the machine settings:
    Select the servers for which the machine settings are relevant. To apply machine settings to all servers, select DEFAULT. To apply machine settings to a specific server, select the server name. The default value is DEFAULT.
    Push Server listen port
    Specify a listening port for the push server, on the local server. The default value is 50004.
    SSC Keystore
    Specify the name and location of the SSC keystore. The keystore is an encrypted file holding cryptographic keys used by SSC to encrypt and decrypt data. The default value is %(SunSystems\install.MainDir)%\SSC\SSC.keystore.
    Restart services.
    SSC Keystore Password
    Specify the password for the SSC keystore. A password is required because the keystore file is encrypted. The default value is changeit.
    Restart services.
    SSC Listener Port
    Specify a listening port for the Connect service. The default value is 8080.
    SSC Server Name
    Specify the server where SSC is installed. The default value is localhost.
    Restart services.
    SSC Server Port
    Specify the port on which SSC Workbench connects to the SSC server. The default value is 50001.
    Restart services.
  4. Configure system settings:
    AlwaysOn Database Connection URL
    Specify the AlwaysOn database connection URL. The default value is jdbc:sqlserver://{0};databaseName={1};applicationName=Connect;integratedSecurity=true;multiSubnetFailover=true;loginTimeout=20.
    Restart services.
    Connect server retry
    Specify the maximum number of connection attempts to the SSC server before aborting the connection attempt. The default value is 60.
    Connect server timeout
    Specify the maximum number of seconds to wait while making a connection attempt to the SSC server The default value is 1000.
    Database Connection URL
    Specify the database connection URL. The default value is jdbc:sqlserver://{0};databaseName={1};applicationName=Connect;integratedSecurity=true
    Restart services.
    Soap Enabled
    Specify Yes to enable the soap service. The default value is Yes.
    Restart services.
  5. Save your changes.