Setting up Standard Unit Labels

The next stage in this process is to define the Unit Labels to belong to the Standard Unit. That is, what other units are to be converted from and to the default unit. Conversions only occur with the default unit.

Uwaga: A standard unit conversion record must be created for the default inventory unit. No Conversion ID needs to be entered as no conversion takes place. However, if no default-to-default unit label is assigned, the conversion cannot be carried out. This would mean that items could not be bought or sold in the default unit, or any other unit.
  1. From the Action menu within Standard Unit Setup select Unit Labels.
  2. Specify this information:
    Standard Unit Code and Default Inventory Unit
    These fields are automatically populated from the current Standard Unit Setup record.
    Unit Label Code
    The required Unit Label to be included in the Standard Unit. The Unit Label must have previously been set up using Unit of Measure Labels.
    The number in the sequence set up for the Standard Unit when this Unit Label is used.
    Whole Units Inventory
    Indicates whether or not whole units only are to be allowed for Inventory transactions.
    Whole Units Purchase
    Indicates whether or not whole units only are to be allowed for Purchase transactions.
    Whole Units Sale
    Indicates whether or not whole units only are to be allowed for Sales transactions.
    Conversion ID
    The required conversion rule to be applied to the Standard Unit. This must have already been set up in Unit Conversions. This defines what the conversion is between this unit label and the default unit.
    From and To Unit
    These fields are automatically populated once the conversion ID has been entered.
  3. Save your changes.