User default settings

The User Default Settings form in User Manager allows you to set up default settings for automatically created users in this group.

In order for all of the settings to be automatically created for a new user, Windows Authentication should be set in the Security Policy.

When a new user is automatically set up:

  • the relevant user properties (User name, full name, and so on), are retrieved from Active Directory and assigned to the user.
  • the Windows group is ascertained from Active Directory, and the relevant mapped SunSystems group is assigned to the user. You must set up the Group Mappings in User Creation Settings.
  • after the group is established, the settings you specify in this form are assigned to the user. You must therefore set up the User Default Settings for every SunSystems group that has a corresponding Windows group.
  1. To access this form, in User Manager double-click a group in the Groups tab, and in the Edit Group window, select User Default Settings in the left pane.
  2. Specify this information:
    Default Business Unit
    Select the default business unit for users in this group. This allows the operator to access forms for a specific business unit. However, operators can still use alternative business units by using Change Business Unit (CBU). Leave blank if you do not want to set a default business unit for users in this group, in which case they will be prompted to enter a business unit code when they launch a SunSystems function.
    Default Ledger
    Select the default ledger for users in this group. This prevents budget code requests for those functions that do not have a budget code specifically defined.
    Set Operating System Date
    Select a default login date setting for users in this group. The options are:
    • Confirm at Login

      The date is supplied and can be changed, but must be confirmed.

    • Automatic

      The date is supplied and cannot be changed. No confirmation is required.

    • Force Entry

      The date must be entered by the user.

    Temporary Work Folder
    Set the default folder where temporary files are stored for users in this group.
    Uwaga: Environment variables can be entered in the format $AAA\, where AAA is the environment variable name, and shared folders on remote computers can be entered in the format \\BBB\CCC , where BBB is the name of the remote computer and CCC the name of the shared folder.
  3. Save your changes.