Opening forms

You can open and edit forms, once they have been checked out to you, but you can only open system or SASI forms if running Form Designer in full mode.

Uwaga:  You are not able to open the forms that have been checked out by other users.
  1. From the File menu select Open.
  2. If you have not already specified the location of your Local Form Folder in a previous Form Designer session, the Browse Folder dialog is displayed. Navigate to where your local form folder is located and click OK.
  3. Specify this information:
    Local Form Folder
    The local directory containing your form source files.
    Available Forms
    Displays details about the saved forms in your local folder. Form file details include; form code, description, function, type, business unit and owner.
    Show All Forms
    This check box allows you to see all forms in the specified directory, including those that are checked out by other users.