Warehouses - methods


Driver Type : SASI

Use this method to create a warehouse. This method only creates a warehouse. If the warehouse already exists, an error message is produced and the payload is rejected.


Driver Type : SASI

This method creates a warehouse if it does not exist already and amends it if it does. Whereas the Create method depends on you to know whether the data does or does not exist in advance, this method can be used if you are unsure.


Driver Type : SASI

Use this method to delete a warehouse.


Driver Type : SASI

This method deletes child data (Assign to Warehouse Groups, Document Formats, Storage Characteristics) but retains the parent record (Warehouse).

It is also possible to delete 'grandchild' data. The deletion of child and grandchild data is controlled by a <DeletionFlag> node at child level. If the flag is set to Y, both child and grandchild is deleted. Otherwise, the child data is retained.

For example, the <Characteristics> node contains child data, and the <NumericValues> node contains grandchild data. The <DeletionFlag> node is set to Y, so the <DiscreteValueNumeric> data is deleted first, followed by the <CharacteristicCode> data:



Driver Type : Export

Use this method to obtain warehouse details or to extract warehouse data from SunSystems.