Inventory Revaluation form Audit Data

These details are only displayed when the final process has been completed.

  1. Specify this information:
    Revaluation Initiating User Id
    The Operator Id of the user who initiated the revaluation.
    Uwaga:  An active revaluation can only be maintained by the user who activated it.
    Final Processing User ID
    The Operator ID of the user who carried out the final processing of the revaluation.
    Final Reval Perd Proc Started
    The date the final revaluation period process started.
    Final Reval Perd Proc Ended
    The date the final revaluation period process completed.
    Final Reval Perd Cst Upd Start
    The date the final revaluation period cost update started.
    Final Reval Perd Cost Upd End
    The date the final revaluation period cost update completed.
    Reval Period Journal ID From
    The first Journal Id used for transactions in the revaluation period.
    Reval Period Journal ID To
    The last Journal Id used for transactions in the revaluation period.
    Final Current Perd Proc Start
    The date the final current period process started.
    Final Current Perd Proc Ended
    The date the final current period process completed.
    Final Currnt Prd Cst Upd Ended
    The date the final current period cost update completed.
    Final Currnt Prd Cst Upd Start
    The date the final current period cost update started.
    Item Cost Update Ended
    The date the item cost update completed.
    Item Cost Update Started
    The date the item cost update started.
    Current Period Journal ID From
    The first Journal Id used for transactions in the current period.
    Current Period Journal ID To
    The last Journal Id used for transactions in the current period.
    Final Revaluatn Proc End Perd
    The inventory period in which the revaluation period processing completed.
    Final Rvltn Perd Cost End Perd
    The inventory period in which the revaluation period cost update completed.
    Final Rvltn Perd Jnl Post Perd
    The financial period in which the revaluation period journal posting period completed.
    Final Rvltn Perd Jnl Post Strt
    The date the revaluation period journal posting period started.
    Final Rvltn Perd Jnl Post End
    The date the revaluation period journal posting period completed.
    Final Current Process End Perd
    The inventory period in which the current period processing completed.
    Final Crrnt Perd Cost End Perd
    The inventory period in which the current period cost update completed.
    Final Crrnt Perd Jnl Post Perd
    The financial period in which the current period journal posting period completed.
    Final Crrnt Perd Jnl Post Strt
    The date the current period journal posting period started.
    Final Crrnt Perd Jnl Post End
    The date the current period journal posting period completed.
    Revaluation Period Posting Dat
    The date used as the transaction date for revaluation period ledger postings.
    Current Period Posting Date
    The date used as the transaction date for current period ledger postings.
  2. Save your changes.