Automation Designer - scheduling automations - example

The following steps show a detailed example of how to schedule an automation. The specific details may differ from one installation to another.

  1. From the Start menu, select Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Scheduled Tasks.
  2. Double click Add Scheduled Task. The New Scheduled Task wizard is displayed.
  3. Click Next. A list of programs is displayed.
  4. Click Browse and navigate to the SunSystems\ssc\bin folder, where SunSystems is your SunSystems installation folder.
  5. Select AutomationDesk.exe, which is the program that the schedule must run.
  6. Give the task a name and select how often you want to run the automation, for example, daily.
  7. Select the time you want the automation to run.
  8. Enter the user name and password (Windows user and password; not SunSystems that runs it).
  9. On the last page of the wizard, check the Open advanced properties check box.
    Uwaga: You can also view or edit the advanced properties after the initial setup. Your new task is displayed in the Scheduled Tasks window. Right click the task, and select properties.
    1. In the Run field, the following is displayed: SunSystems\ssc\bin\AutomationDesk.exe.
    2. Change this to SunSystems\ssc\bin\AutomationDesk.exe - p profile -a automation -n -s -u user ID -x password .
    3. Click OK. You must re-enter the password.

    Wait for the run and check the transfer result using the Transfer History Viewer.