Creating a sales invoice

Uwaga:  SunSystems v6.3 is extremely customizable as outlined in About this Help. You may find, therefore, that your form does not cover all of the fields detailed below, they may be in a different order or they may be called different names. For more information about creating and amending forms please refer to Form Designer Help.

The stage at which you can create an invoice depends on the settings in the Sales Type for the order. For example, you may be able to create an invoice at any stage in the Order Fulfilment process, or you may have to wait until the line has completed a certain stage, such as picking or dispatch.

A sales invoice is always generated from a sales order. A sales invoice cannot be manually entered. Individual lines on a sales order can be invoiced independently from each other, that is, not all lines from a particular sales order have to be on the same invoice. If the picking or dispatch stages are used for a goods item, a sales order line can be invoiced more than once, otherwise a line can only be invoiced once.

Each sales order line contains an Invoice Status field which is set automatically by the system, depending on the stages set up for the sales type. This must be 'Available for Invoicing' or 'Part Invoiced' to allow an invoice to be generated and printed. Once generated and printed, and the full quantity has been invoiced, the status is set to 'Fully Invoiced'.