The output file

The output file is in an Excel workbook format. This file is placed in a folder on the server. The default location is:

<SunSystems v6.3 installation folder>/DataAudit/Data

The file location can be defined in the Work Folder field on the Data Audit Extraction form.

The settings for this file are defined in Data Audit Maintenance (DAM). For example, password protection.

If the file is password protected, you must enter the Extract Password when requested in order to amend the file. Otherwise, you will have read-only access. The structure of the worksheet is also protected by a SunSystems defined password.

The results of the Data Audit Extract are shown in this workbook on a one table per sheet format for each business unit included in the audit. For example, if changes are identified across three tables (Item, Customer and Account) in two business units (PK1 and ABC), the workbook contains six sheets called: Item, Customer and Account (for business unit PK1); Item, Customer and Account (for business unit ABC). The column headings on the worksheet are the column headings from the tables.

  • For an inserted row, the row is labelled Insert and the data is shown in black.
  • For a deleted row, the row is labelled Delete, and the data prior to deletion is shown in red.
  • For an updated row, the original details before the update are shown in black, on the row labelled Insert; the amended details are shown on the next row in red bold, on the row labelled Update.
Uwaga:  If the extract includes a large number of records, they may be split over more than one tab on the workbook.

Before a Data Audit Table Image is Taken

Uwaga:  When an Update or Delete action does not already have a previous image in the Data Audit table, a copy of the record before the amending action is taken. You will either have a record on the preceding row showing Insert or Update which represents the before image. The original details before amendment are shown in black followed by the record as detailed above.