Creating a Report Template

You can save report designs as report templates, allowing you to recall and use them as the starting point for a new report. In this way the basic structure of your reports, together with any special fields and shared labels is always consistent.

Uwaga: You cannot edit a report template, but you can edit reports and save them as templates as required.

You can save any report that is open within Report Designer as a basic template *.stem. These templates are stored locally. To make a new template available to the Report Designer you must save the *.stem report to your My Documents folder.

Create a new report as normal. Add any generic fields or labels, for example, the positioning of page numbers, company logos and so on. Use File > Save As to display the Save As dialog. Enter a file name and ensure you add a .stem extension. Select Report Template (*.stem) from the Save As Type drop down menu. Click OK.

The template is saved with a level of detail appropriate to the type of template. That is, only valid report item types are saved in the template.

The following table lists the report items and whether they are valid in a report template. Properties for all valid items are saved in the template.

Report Item Type Type Valid Exception
Report Report Yes
Section/Subsection Page Header Yes
Page Footer Yes
Report Header Yes
Report Footer Yes
Detail Yes
Group Header No
Group Footer No
Report Item Line Yes
Rectangle Yes
Image Yes
Subreport No
Chart No
Textbox - Data Field No
Textbox - Summary Field No
Textbox - Field/Association Label No
Textbox - Shared Label Yes
Textbox - Free Text Yes Not valid if value references data field
Special Field Item Created Date/Time Yes
Modified Date/Time Yes
Print Date/Time Yes
Report Title Yes
Page Number Yes
Row Number Yes Not valid if increment on group
Business Unit Name (if using a connection to SunSystems) Yes
Business Unit Address (if using a connection to SunSystems) Yes
Base Currency Yes
First Page/Last Page Yes
Current Period Yes
DAG Applied Flag (if using a connection to SunSystems) Yes
Parameter - bound to data field No
Parameter - not bound to data field Yes
Report Parameter Bound to data field No
Not bound to data field Yes
System Parameters Yes
Order by Group Order by Group No

To use your report template, select File > New Report or click the New Report icon on the menu bar. The New Report dialog is displayed. Enter a name, description and select an application source as you would to create a new report and the template name you created from the Template Name list.