Defining default settings

Filter Designer provides a variety of application configuration options. These allow you to introduce some automation when creating filters.

Uwaga:  It is important to clear the Filter Designer cache after making any changes to the Data Dictionary.

To define the default settings:

  1. From the View menu select Options.
  2. Define the default settings you want:
    The General tab allows you to choose the following options:
    Open Last Used Filter on Startup
    Select this option if you are continually working on the same filter.
    Sort Filter Types on Id rather than Description
    Before creating a new filter, select this option if you want to view the filter types by ID rather than description.
    Refresh Filter Lists from Server
    Before viewing the list of filters available to be opened or deleted, select this option if you want the list to include filters which have been created by other users since you started the application.
    Undo History
    The Undo History may be changed from the default of 20 actions to any number between 0 and 50.

    The Server tab allows you to enable server information caching. This ensures that the information normally retrieved from the server, for example lists of filter types, are saved between sessions of Filter Designer. After enabling server information caching it is important that you exit and restart Filter Designer.

    Data Item List
    Before you carry out a data item search, you can select the following options to display further column headings:
    • Include Hierarchy
    • Include Item Reference
    • Include Subset
    • Include Group Number
    • Include Data Dictionary Information
    • Include DDD Entity Id
    • Include SQL Table Name
    • Include User Table Name.
  3. Click OK to close the Options dialog.