Static data call points and actions

Business rules can be defined for many of the SunSystems static data maintenance functions.

Call Points

Call point 00101 (Posting Data) is available for the following static data maintenance functions only:

  • Addresses Analysis Dimensions
  • Customers Analysis Codes
  • Suppliers Chart of Accounts

Call point 00101 updates the data after posting, therefore the SET action command is not available. These functions are ION-enabled and require call point 00101 (Posting Data) in order to initiate Publishing.

The following call points are available for each of the static data maintenance functions:

Call Point Call Point Description
00004 Start of Session
00005 End of Session
00101 Posting Data

Action Codes

The following action codes are available for the Before Data Posting call point, for each of the static data functions:

Action Code Action Code Description
00001 Amend
00023 Delete
00303 Insert Record

There are no action codes for the Start of Session and End of Session call points.

Uwaga: To set data or messages for static data functions use call point 'Before Data Posting'. If no call point is specified 'Before Data Posting' is used as default.