The Sales Return Note form - Line Details

  1. Specify this information:
    Line Number
    The number of the line of the sales return note, order, or invoice.
    Order Date
    The date when the customer placed the order.
    Item Code
    The ordered item.
    Reason Code
    The reason why the sales return note is being raised. This may be mandatory if defined as such for the sales type.
    Short Heading
    Reason Code Type
    The type of reason code.
    Batch Reference
    The batch reference to be applied for traceability purposes as defined in Batch Reference Setup (BRS).
    Sales Return Serial Number
    If the item has been defined in the item master as serialized, this field must contain a valid serial number.
    This also depends on the settings in the Inventory Business.
    Update Inventory
    Check this box if the inventory is to be updated by this sales return note. If the item type is defined in the item master as Goods, this box is checked by default.
    If you are using an existing invoice or order, this field shows the returnable quantity. That is, the original quantity minus any previous returns. If you are creating a return note from scratch enter a negative quantity in this field to show the quantity being returned.
    Quantity Unit Label Code
    The unit of measure for the item.
    Unit Price
    The price of the item per unit.
    Override Flag
    This is not relevant to sales return notes.
    Currency Code
    The code for the currency to be used for the transaction. This is used if you are serialized for multi-currency.
    The net amount of the line.
    The VAT amount of the line.
    The gross amount of the line.
    Cost of Sales
    The cost of sales of the line.
  2. Save your changes.