Linking customers and suppliers to static data

Many of the customer and supplier details you can maintain in SunSystems are set up as separate static data records and then linked to particular customer or supplier records using Customers (CUS) or Supplier (SUS). Some common examples are addresses, contact names, and currencies.

This enables the static data to be maintained centrally and used throughout the SunSystems modules without the need to duplicate data. It also allows the details to be linked to several different customers or suppliers where they are common. For example, you may need to define several customer records for a multisite organization but wish to reference the same invoicing address.

How is the Static Data Linked to a Customer or Supplier?

All of the static data that relates to a customer or supplier is linked to the customer or supplier record on either Customers or Supplier.

The majority of the static data details are identified using the Query button. In this case the data must have been predefined. For example, before you can identify the customer's default currency, the currency code must have been defined using Currency Codes (CNC).

Uwaga: If you haven't predefined the static data, you can select the appropriate maintenance form from SunSystems and set up the relevant details without closing Customers (CUS).

In some cases, the static data setup form itself can be accessed directly from Customers (CUS) or Supplier (SUS) by clicking a button. This allows you to view, enter or maintain the static data from within the customer or supplier set up form. For example, you can access Bank Details Setup (BNK) by clicking the Bank Details button.

If more than one data element can be linked to a customer or supplier, a separate form appears which allows you to select and assign the appropriate details. For example, you may wish to identify several contact names for a customer or supplier.

Common and Financial Related Static Data

The following static data details can be linked to a customer or supplier and are used by all SunSystems modules, and Financials in particular. The SunSystems form used to setup and maintain the static data is identified in the Maintenance Form column.

Customer Details Maintenance Form Button in Customer (CUS) Notes
Contact names Contacts (CON) Contacts Several contacts can be linked to a customer using Customer Assign Contacts.
Company addresses, link address Addresses (ADD)
Debtors/receivables account Chart of Accounts (COA)   The account can be setup from Customers (CUS) by entering the appropriate account details.
Default bank subcode Bank Details Setup (BNK) Bank Details Setup
Payment terms group code Payment Terms (PYT)    
Default currency code Currency Codes (CNC)    
Account analysis, Customer or supplier analysis Analysis Codes (ANC)   The analysis codes must exist for the analysis dimensions linked to accounts. See Assigning Analysis Dimensions to Entities.

Order Fulfilment Customer Static Data

The following customer details are required if you are using SunSystems Order Fulfilment. The SunSystems form used to setup and maintain the static data is identified in the Maintenance Form column.

Customer Order Fulfilment Static Data

Customer Details Maintenance Form Button in Customer (CUS) Notes
Delivery addresses, acknowledgement addresses, invoice addresses Addresses (ADD) Delivery Addresses, Acknowledgement Addresses, Invoice Addresses Several addresses can be assigned for each type using the appropriate Assign form.
Customer Document Formats Document Format (DFS) Customer Document Formats Assign the formats using the Customer Document Formats button in the Order Entry tab on Customers (CUS). See Linking Document Formats to Customers and Suppliers.
Warehouse Warehouse Setup (WHS)   A warehouse can be assigned to a customer as the default supplying location.
Items Item Customer (ICU) Customer Items You can define which items are saleable to a particular customer. If this control is used it is not possible to create sales transactions for other items for the customer.

Supplier Order Fulfilment Static Data

Supplier Details Maintenance Form Button in Customer (CUS) Notes
Pay To Address, Primary Order Address Addresses (ADD)    
Default Buyer Employees (EMP)    
Purchase Transaction Type Purchase Types (PTS)    
Supplier ordering addresses Addresses (ADD) Sup Ordering Addresses Several addresses can be assigned for each type using the appropriate Assign form. See Linking Ordering Addresses to Suppliers.
Supplier Document Formats Document Format (DFS) Supplier Document Formats Assign the formats using the Supplier Document Formats button in the Order Entry tab on Supplier (SUS). See Linking Document Formats to Customers and Suppliers.
Default Receiving Warehouse Warehouse Setup (WHS)    
Supplier Items Item Supplier (ISU) Supplier Items You can define which items are purchased from a particular supplier. If this control is used it is not possible to create purchase transactions for other items for the supplier.