Setting up the General Ledger Interface Line Details

A ledger interface defines a journal interface requirement from SunSystems Order Fulfilment to SunSystems Financials. You can define many different ledger interfaces, one for each type of journal interface you require. For example, your sales invoice transaction interface requirements may be different to your inventory or purchase order interface requirements. A ledger interface is defined using Ledger Interface (LIS).

Each ledger interface contains a set of ledger interface details, one for each journal line that must be generated for the interface. These are defined using the Ledger Interface Details Setup form.

  1. This form is accessed from Ledger Interface by selecting Action > Line Details.
  2. Specify this information:
    Ledger Interface Defn Code
    The code that uniquely identifies this Ledger Interface.
    Ledger Interface Value Type
    The value type of the ledger interface.
    Ledger Interface Line Number
    The line within the Ledger Interface setup. This is the ledger interface detail line number which is incremented automatically for each detail line you enter.
    Account Code
    The Financials chart of accounts code to which the journal line is posted. If you enter an account code here the journal line generated from this interface detail line is always posted to this account. You cannot reference an account code here if an account recognition code is entered below.
    Account Recognition Code

    The account recognition code that identifies the chart of accounts code to which the journal line is posted. The account recognition code retrieves the account code using other information available on the transaction. For example, the account recognition code may retrieve the account code from the transaction's supplier or item. Account recognition codes are defined using Ledger Interface Account Recognition Codes (LIA).

    You cannot reference an account recognition code here if a code is entered in the Account Code field.
    Debit or Credit

    The debit or credit indicator for the journal interface line. This determines whether the journal line value is debited or credited to the chosen account.

    When the ledger interface code is assigned to a transaction type, it can be selected as a Reversal. This automatically reverses the debit or credit indicator you set here and means you do not need to define 'reversal' ledger interface lines.

    Asset Marker Update Method
    The asset indicator that determines how the journal value is used to update the associated asset value.
    Select Not Applicable if the journal line does not contain asset details. Select Asset Code Only to transfer the asset details without updating the asset values.
    Landed Cost Account Recog Ind

    This field is only used when this ledger interface is associated with a landed cost charge rule. When the posting is carried out and account recognition codes are used, it defines which item is to be used in order to find the account recognition code values. That is, when apportioning from a charge item to a goods item, whether to use the account recognition code on the charge item or the goods item.

    Options are:

    • Not Applicable - select this option if this ledger interface is not used for landed costs.
    • Goods - select this option to use the ledger interface account recognition code based on the goods item.
    • Charge - select this option to use the ledger interface account recognition code based on the charge item.
  3. The other information required is dependent on the Ledger Interface Value Type. That is, Transaction Values, Inventory Costs, or External/Business Line Import Values.
  4. Save your changes.