Producing an Aged Analysis Listing

All of the sample Aged Analysis Listing reports available analyze selected transactions by due date. They use the transaction due date to age the transactions into one of five ageing periods. The ageing periods can be forward or backward, depending on the type of aged analysis listing you choose. See 'What are the Aged Analysis Reports?' for more details.

All of the standard aged analysis listings use the same parameters, although they are treated differently depending on whether the report is ageing backward or forward.

  1. Specify this information:
    Age By Date
    The base date from which you want to age transactions. For a backward ageing report, transactions with a due date on or before this date are selected and analyzed into the appropriate ageing periods. For a forward ageing report, transactions with a due date on or after this date are analyzed.
    Ageing Dates 1-4
    Up to four dates used to age the transactions. For a backward ageing report, these dates should be prior to the Age By Date. For a forward ageing report, these dates should be after the Age By Date.
    Each Account on a New Page
    If you want each account to start on a new page select Yes. Otherwise, select No.
    Account Code
    The account, or range of accounts, to be aged. The transactions for these accounts are analyzed into the appropriate ageing periods on the report.
    Account Type
    The account type, or range of account types, to be included in the report. For example, you may want to restrict the report to debtor or creditor accounts. Leave this field blank to include accounts regardless of the account type.
    Allocation Types
    The allocation markers to be included in the ageing. Transactions with the selected markers are aged on the report.
  2. Save your changes.