Entering general parameters for profiles

When editing profiles prior to running them in SunSystems Web client, you can modify certain parameters on the General tab of the source and target data. These parameters include the SunSystems context (such as the business unit and ledger), import or export file information, and whether to save the payload at runtime.

As with all of the Transfer Desk runtime parameters, the general parameters available depend on the type of profile, and on the specific source and target data types. For example, in an export profile using Ledger as the source data, the General Parameters tab for source data includes the additional option to select which Ledger is used as the source, and whether it can be overridden. Likewise, the order in which the general parameters are displayed depends on the type of profile.

  1. Specify this information:
    Business Unit
    If this profile is specific to a business unit, the business unit code must be entered.
    Note: For a Financials Only business unit, we recommend that import profiles contain financials only data. It is possible for import profiles containing Order Fulfilment data to be imported into a Financials Only business unit, but only the financials data will be included; any Order Fulfilment data will be ignored.
    Only available for source or target data related to ledger transactions. If the profile should only be run on one ledger, such as A (actuals), enter the letter of the ledger.
    Save Payload
    This option allows you to specify whether the input payload or output payload is saved during processing, or both. Select Input, Output, or Both. If you do not want to save the payload, select None.
    This option is only available for export or internal transfer profiles. If you want to apply a filter to this profile, select it here, otherwise select Not Specified.
    Note: In SunSystems Web client, you cannot create a new filter. However, you can modify a predefined filter at runtime, if the override option has been selected.
    File basis
    Specify the file basis as:
    • client: The file path is specified by the user, and can be a local or network location.
    • server: The file is imported from, or exported to, a dedicated file repository, on a Microsoft Windows file server. You can only import files from, or export files to, folders you have access to. This option is required for profiles run from SunSystems web client.
    File name
    Only available for external file related profiles (import, export, and external transfer). Enter the name/path of the file you want to import from or export to. For example, M:\financials\interface\20090820.txt for a client file basis, or \\FileServer\RootFolder\MyFolder\20090820.txt for a server file basis. Alternatively click the browse button to navigate to the file if it already exists.
    File encoding
    Only available for profiles that use an external file, as described above. Select the type of character encoding used in the import or export file. Common types are UTF-8 and ASCII. Contact your system administrator if you are unsure of which type to use.
    File action
    Only available for import and external transfer profiles. Select the action you want to perform once processing has finished.
    Generate unique file name
    Only available for export profiles and external transfer profiles. Select No to use the file name entered above, or select Yes to add a unique suffix to the file name at run time.
    Overwrite file of same name
    Only available for export profiles and external transfer profiles, and when the Generate unique file name is set to No. Select Yes to allow the file to be overwritten if it already exists. Select No to ensure a file is not overwritten if it has the same name as the filename specified above.
    Append to file of same name
    Only available for export profiles and external transfer profiles, and when the Generate unique file name is set to No. Select Yes to append the output data to the file specified in the filename, above. Select No to ensure a file is not appended to if it has the same name as the filename specified above.
  2. Save your changes.