Visual Basic Functions
There is a wide range of Visual Basic (VB) functions that you can use within SunSystems Reporting Services. This is only a sample of the types of function that are available:
- General
- Date
- Decision
General Functions
These general functions and operators are commonly used:
General VB Function | Description |
ABS(Expression) | This returns the absolute value of an expression. |
MOD | You can use the expression RowNumber(Nothing) MOD 2 to determine the even and odd rows of a dataset. |
MID, LEFT, RIGHT, LEN and TRIM | These are string functions that manipulate textual data. |
LCASE, UCASE | These convert string values to lower or upper case. |
FORMAT(Expression, "Standard") | This formats a numeric string to the standard number format. |
CSTR, CDATE, CDBL | These convert expressions to a string, date
or a numeric double.
Note: It may often be necessary to convert a complex IF
statement that is expected to return a numeric value by enveloping the IF
statement in a CDBL function.
ME.Value | This expression returns the current value of the text box and is useful in a Visibility or Conditional Formatting expression when the condition depends on the text box value. |
Date Functions
The most commonly used date functions are:
Date Functions | Description |
DAY(Date) | This returns an integer value from 1 to 31 representing the day of the month. |
MONTH(Date) | This returns an integer value from 1 to 12 representing the month. |
MONTHNAME(Date) | This returns the name of the month, for example September. |
WEEKDAY(Date) | This returns an integer value from 1 (representing Sunday) to 7 (representing Saturday). |
WEEKDAYNAME(Date) | This returns the name of the weekday, for example Tuesday. |
YEAR(Date) | This returns an integer value from 1 to 9999, representing the year, from the specified date. |
DATEPART("interval", Date) | This returns an integer value containing
the specified component of a given Date value where interval is:
DATEADD("interval", number, Date) | This returns a Date value containing a date
and time value to which a specified time interval has been added where interval
DATEDIFF("interval", Date1, Date2) | This returns a Long value specifying the
difference in time interval units between Date2 and Date1 where interval is:
DATESERIAL(Year, Month, Day) | Where
The following expression also returns one of three values based on the value of Marker, but uses the Switch function instead, which returns the value associated with the first expression in a series that evaluates to TRUE:
=Switch(Fields!Marker.Value >= 7, "Green", Fields!Marker.Value >= 5, "Amber", Fields!Marker.Value < 5, "Red")
Using Expressions with Counters
The Report Counters facility allows you to use an expression to specify a start number at the start of the report run and increment the number as each document is processed. Specify whether the start number is to be entered at run-time as a parameter or retrieved from a data field value.
You can increment a counter based on the change of a value of a field and specify that it only applies where specific filters are applied at runtime.
When you have created a counter, you can add it to the report. Select Special Fields Browser and drag and drop the counter you require onto the report.
to display the available counters in the