Configuring data item values

Certain controls contain specified values. The control types that contain specified values are:

  • Combo boxes
  • Check boxes
  • List boxes
  • Radio button groups
  • Grid column check boxes
  • Grid column combo boxes

You can view the available values by clicking the down arrow icon on the Default Value property on the Properties bar.

To configure the values:

  1. Select the control on the form.
  2. From the Edit menu select Data Item Values. The Configure Data Item Values dialog is displayed, showing the available data item values.
    Available Data Item Values
    This contains the available data item values. The ticked values are displayed within the control as ordered. Click the value and then the up or down arrow to reorder the list.
    For the values that you do not want displayed, uncheck the appropriate check boxes. However, for list boxes, combo boxes, check boxes and radio groups, you must have at least two data item values specified.
    By default, all values are checked.
    Default Value
    Select a value to make it the default value. The default value can also be set from the Properties bar.
    Note: If you are using Form Designer to create a runtime entry form for a filter created in Filter Designer, and the filter has an operator of In List which is set to runtime entry, your runtime entry form will contain a multiselection list box. Therefore the Default Value field may be entitled Default Values and allow you to select multiple default values. Using Filter Designer is the only way to add multiselection list boxes to forms. It is not possible to add multi-selection list boxes, or change other control types to multiselection list boxes, using Form Designer.
  3. Click OK.