About User Group Menu Designer

User Group Menu Designer (UGM) allows you to create and edit the menus available to operators who are members of SunSystems v6.3 User Groups. Those menus are supplemented by Favorites defined by individual SunSystems operators. Operators may also customize their environment to restrict display of specified menu item groups available to their user group.

SunSystems menus consist of menu items that may reference SunSystems v6.3 functions or be shortcuts to reports, URLs, or external files or applications.

Menu items are organized first into Groups. The default set of menu groups correspond to the SunSystems v6.3 modules, but can be redefined through UGM.

Menu Items are further organized into Categories. The default categories are defined to correspond to SunSystems v6.3 business objects. Menu items may be reassigned at user group menu level, but the list of categories is predefined.

Note:  Prior to using User Group Menu Designer, the required user groups must have been created within User Manager. Additionally, any required function extensions should have been created and function permissions granted to the user groups, again within User Manager. User Group Menu Designer is used to create new groups and shortcuts, but only to existing, permitted functions. See User Manager Help for more information on adding and editing user groups, creating new function extensions, and setting up permissions to functions.