Running Ledger Conversion

Note: The first time you run Ledger Conversion you should set the Validate Only option to identify any conversion errors. You can repeat these steps any number of times with the Validate Only option set. Then, when you are ready to post the conversion transactions you should rerun Ledger Conversion again without this option.

The following steps are required to run Ledger Conversion:

  1. Access Ledger Conversion (LCN) from SunSystems to display the Ledger Conversion Stg 1 Define Source/Target window.
  2. Identify the source business unit, identify the target business unit and target conversion value requirements.
  3. Click Next to validate these choices and display the Ledger Conversion Stg 2 Confirm New Structure window.
  4. Check the ledger conversion processing details are correct.
  5. Click Next to continue and display the Ledger Conversion Stg 3 Balancing Options window. Alternatively, click Previous to redefine the target conversion requirements.
  6. On the Ledger Conversion Stg 3 Balancing Options window define the journal posting and balancing requirements.
  7. Click Next to continue and display the Ledger Conversion Stg 4 Data Selection window. Alternatively, click Previous to redefine the requirements.
  8. On the Ledger Conversion Stg 4 Data Selection window select the ledger files you want to convert.
  9. Then click Process to begin the conversion process.