Preparing for Ledger Conversion
Ledger Conversion is a powerful and flexible conversion utility that can process and convert all of the transactions in a source business unit to create new transactions in a target business unit.
You must fully understand your conversion requirements before you use Ledger Conversion and ensure you define the correct conversion rules.
In addition, there are a number of steps you need to carry out in both the source and target business units before you run Ledger Conversion.
Preparing the Source Business Unit
- Ensure all journals awaiting posting are posted, for example import files, and held journals.
- Set up a journal type for the balancing postings.
- Back up the business unit.
Preparing the Target Business Unit
- Create and set up a new business unit using Business Unit Administration (BUA).
- Define all the static data
for the business unit. In particular you should set up:
- Chart of accounts codes
- Analysis dimensions and codes, if they are required
- Currency codes and rates.
Note: You may be able to use the option in Business Unit Administration (BUA) to set up the static data for the new business unit by copying it from an existing business unit. However, you must be very careful, especially in a multi-currency environment if the new business unit requires a different pivot currency. This is because the currency rates are always defined 'from' the pivot currency. If you are copying a business unit you must check the Suppress Ledger Transactions check box as these are processed by the conversion. - Set up a journal type for the balancing postings.
For more information on setting up a business unit, see The Steps Required to Set Up a Business Unit in the Business Unit Administrator Guide / Help.
Checking the Account and Asset Conversion Controls
Account Currency Posting Rules
Currency posting rules are set for each currency value on a business unit to determine how the value is used. See Setting the Currency Posting Rules in the Business Unit Administrator Guide / Help.
These rules can be overridden for an account using the Conversion Code Control and Report Conversion Control options on Chart of Accounts (COA). See Setting the Currency Rules for an Account.
If the option is set to Prohibited, the appropriate value is not generated on the transactions for the account. Therefore, you must ensure that the currency posting rules are set correctly on the target business unit and on the accounts. The system reports this on the error report.
Asset Currency Posting Rules
If you want to introduce Value 3 values into the new business unit for fixed assets, you must ensure the following options are set correctly to allow the use of Value 3 in the new business unit:
- the Assets in Second Base/Reporting Currency option must be set on Ledger Setup.
- the Reporting Conversion Control option on assets and asset budgets must be set to Ledger Default or Mandatory and not Prohibited. See Setting Up an Asset and Setting Up Asset Budgets.
If the option is set to Prohibited for an asset and Ledger Conversion cannot swap or generate the value, it is reported on the Ledger Conversion error report.