What are the Elements of Enhanced Depreciation?
In certain countries, financial legislation allows companies to implement a number of additional accounting elements and calculations over normal straight line depreciation, known collectively as Enhanced Depreciation.
This Help topic describes the various elements of enhanced depreciation that you can configure in SunSystems, as follows:
- Full Year Depreciation in the First Year
- First Year Percentage Reduction in Depreciation Rate
- Advanced Depreciation
- Selecting Assets for Advanced Depreciation
- Reduction in Depreciation for a Given Year
- Manually Posting Depreciation Amounts.
In order to use advanced depreciation, fixed assets must be set up with
a depreciation percentage (for each of the relevant currency values),
and the End Period must be left blank for the asset. The Depreciation
Method must be Straight Line.
If you are familiar with the concepts but are looking for Help on setting them up or running them, see Setting Up the Elements of Enhanced Depreciation.