What are the Financial Table Row Types?
A Financial Table report is made up of many different types of report lines, or rows. Each row is defined in Financial Table Rows (FTR), in the order they are to be printed on the report.
The set of rows contains a mixture of different types of row which define the report content. The following types of rows can be defined for a financial tables report:
- Heading rows are used for headings, comments, and blank lines. They can be included throughout the report and you can use blank heading lines to space out the report.
- Page Heading rows are like Heading rows, except there is a page break before printing the heading.
- Row type rows are used for report lines on which amounts are to be shown.
- Continuation rows are used to extend a Row line. They allow you to specify further codes, or ranges of codes, to be incorporated into the previous row. Continuation lines are not printed separately on the report. The normal sign and details of the previous row are applied to continuation lines.
- Statistic rows could be used to include, for example, the number of staff on a report. Other rows in another column could then express overheads divided by this number. Statistic rows must be defined before the rows that use them. They are excluded from totals and they ignore column mathematics involving statistics specified by Financial Table Columns. Statistic rows cannot be used in conjunction with Continuation rows.
- Total rows provide seven levels of report totalling and are identified as T1 to T7. The amounts for Row and Continuation rows are accumulated automatically into all seven levels. These totals work in the same way as Financial Statements.