Specify this information:
- Include/Exclude
An option to suppress the printing of values according to their debit/credit marker.
- Source Value
The source currency value you want to revalue before including the value in the column.
- Target Currency
The currency into which the source currency values for the column are converted. You can select any valid currency code, as defined using Currency Codes (CNC).
- Revaluation Rate
The period currency rate to be used to revalue the source amount. Six rates can be defined for each currency/period using Currency Period Rates (CNP). Rate 1 is the period rate set for the currency and used for ledger entry and other system processes. Rates 2 to 6 are the additional reporting only rates defined for the currency.
- Amount Format
The format in which amounts are displayed.
- Decimal Places
The number of decimal places shown in this column. Enter 0 for no decimal places. You can use the default set for the base and second base/reporting currencies in Business Unit Setup or the number of places identified for a currency in Currency Codes.
If this is left blank for a mathematics column, the number of decimal places is the highest of the source columns used in the mathematics calculation.
- Column Attributes
An individual column can be printed with or without negative brackets independently of the setting of the Bracket Negative field in Financial Table Format (FTF). The following options are available:
- Bracket Negatives prints negative values within brackets
- Minus Sign Before Negatives print negative values with a leading '-' minus sign
- Default uses the settings in Financial Table Formats for this column.
- Save your changes.