Multi-Currency Financial Reporting

The SunSystems financial report writers can print any of the values available on a transaction:

  • base currency
  • transaction currency
  • second base or reporting currency
  • fourth currency
  • memo value.

You can include all of these values in separate columns on a report, if required.

For the currency values, the report can optionally convert the value into a chosen target currency using one of the six period currency rates available. The conversion is made via the pivot currency. See What is the Pivot Currency? in the Business Unit Administrator Guide / Help.

You can use this to revalue the base or second base currency from the transaction currency or fourth currency, using the chosen conversion rate. For example, you may require to use separate internal reporting rates.

By using This Period columns (column codes Px) or This Year columns (column codes Yx), you can report on the movement in transaction currency within the period or year-to-date respectively. By using Balance columns (column codes Bx), you can report on the balance outstanding, i.e. the exposure in each currency. Therefore you can print budget comparisons, last period comparisons and last year comparisons in the transaction currency.

Note:  If you are showing transaction currency values or fourth currency values on a report, you could end up with a report that totals different currency values. To avoid this, you should use the currency code as the highest sort level. This results in different currencies being reported in different sections of the report. Thus, the totals within each section will be for individual currencies. If you are using only one currency code, there will not be a problem. See Sorting a Financial Analysis Report for more information on sort levels.

See also Consolidating Data in a Report for information on the conversion rate used when consolidating data.