Maintaining Multi-Currency Budgets
When entering budgets against accounts, they are entered in exactly the same way as actual ledger transactions. However, budgets are typically set up in the 'B' ledger, compared with actual transactions in the 'A' ledger, which are defined in Business Unit Setup. All multi-currency posting rules and options apply when entering budget transactions. So, if you enter a transaction currency amount on a budget transaction, this currency value is converted into the base currency and both values are maintained on the ledger transaction. See Entering Multi-Currency Journals in the Financials User Guide / Help.
You can use the reporting functionality to report against any of the budget values held in the budget ledgers. So, if you have entered budget transactions in mixed currencies, you can report against these currency budgets. This is the same as reporting against the transaction in the actual ledger, and the Journal Listing is one report that can be used to report on transactions in the budget ledger.