Multi-Currency Payments and Collections

All of the debtor/receivables, creditor/payables and client accounts in SunSystems are multi-currency accounts. You can enter invoices, credit notes and other transactions to these accounts in any valid transaction currency. These transactions can be held in up to four currencies: base currency, transaction currency, second base/reporting currency, and fourth currency. See Multi-Currency Account Considerations.

You can generate payments and collect payments in the base currency or the individual currencies for transaction currency and fourth currency (i.e. Values 2, and 4). This is determined by the Currency for Payments setting in Ledger Setup (LES)

If transaction currency or fourth currency are selected as the Currency for Payments, you can produce payments in different currencies in a single Payment Run (PYR) or Payment Collection Run (PYC). See Selecting Transactions for Payment by Currency.

You can also produce payment documents including cheques and remittances in any language and currency.

When payments are made in a currency value other than base, Payment Run and Payment Collection Run generate the payment transactions in the appropriate currencies. Payments are always posted using historic rates.

If settlement discounts are taken or allowed, the payment process calculates the discount in the transaction currency and calculates the other two equivalent currencies, as required. It also calculates any tax amount included in the discount and generates the transactions required to adjust for this, if the Tax on Settlement Discount flag in Ledger Setup (LES) is set. The tax is calculated as a percentage of all the values individually, i.e. it is not a currency calculation.

Note:  Payment Run and Payment Collection Run produce payments based either on one of the non-base currency values 2 or 4, or the base currency values. If you wish to pay some accounts using a non-base currency value, and other accounts using the base currency you must do so in separate payment runs and reset the Currency for Payments setting in Ledger Setup (LES) between the two runs.
Note:  Where payment is made by fourth currency, all postings which carry the true-rated flag are accumulated separately. These true-rated postings are totalled in the Payment Currency defined on the Ledger Setup (LES), and any other variable currency is ignored.