An Example Authorization Scenario
Ledger Entry / Ledger Import
This example scenario describes the configuration involved in Ledger Entry / Ledger Import. The other authorization processes (Payments, Matching/Allocation, and Statements) can be configured following similar principles.
Authorizations could be used to impose financial authority limits for Ledger Entry within in a company, say, authority up to 1000, and authority of greater than 1000. This is configured using a two-stage authorization process where each stage is appropriate to an authority limit. In the first stage, one User Team must authorize all manual payment journals entered against the bank account. In the second stage, a different User Team must authorize only those transactions to the bank account with credits greater than 1000. For this example, we will say that the second team will only authorize transactions if the first team have already seen them (perhaps akin to a document or contract requiring signatures from more than one signatory within a company).
In summary:
- The first Authorization Stage, the first User Team, and the first Authorization Filter all relate to bank transactions regardless of the amount.
- The second Authorization Stage, second User Team and second Authorization Filter all relate to bank transactions of credit amount greater than 1000.
- Although there are two authorization stages, certain transactions will only require authorization at the first stage. If the amount is 1000 or less, then SunSystems will automatically post the transaction directly following authorization of the first stage, as it will bypass the filter used in the second authorization stage.
In this example, the account code is 52100. The first User Team has code BANK0-1000, and the second User Team has code BANK>1000. The person with operator code N1K has an authority limit of 1000, and operator CEO has authority for any amount. CEO is only required to authorize a transaction if it is greater than 1000, as it is above the limit for N1K. CEO will only authorize transactions if N1K has already seen them and marked them as authorized for the first authorization stage.
Configuring the Example Scenario
You can configure this example in the PK1 demonstration database, following the Steps Required to Configure Authorization:
- Set the Authorization Required field to Yes in the Supplementary Financials tab in Ledger Setup (LES).
- In Security Console or User Manager, create operators N1K and CEO; check the Authorizer checkbox for both, and give them authorization passwords.
- In User Team Setup (UTS), create team BANK0-1000 with team name 'Bank Authority limit 1000', and assign operator code N1K, and check the Principal Team box. Create team BANK>1000 with team name 'Bank Authority Limit >1000', assign operator code CEO, and check the Principal Team box.
- In Financial Rejection Code Setup (FJC), create code BANK1 with the description 'Transaction not authorized. Rejected by User Team 1'. Create code BANK2 with the description 'Transaction not authorized. Rejected by CEO'.
- In Filter
Designer (FLD), create two filters with filter type Authorization
Inquiry SAAUTH.
- Give the first filter the name BANK_CR with description 'Credits to Account 52100'. In BANK_CR, select Authorization Set Reference and move it to the filter edit area. In the Edit Condition dialog, set the Runtime Entry check box and leave all other fields as they are. In the Data Item Descriptions, select Account Code and move it to the filter edit area. In the Edit Condition dialog, under Equals, type 52100. Click on File >> Save. For the Results Destination, select the form AUTHDTL.
- Create the second filter with name BANK_CR_G1000, and description 'Credits Greater than 1000 to Account 52100'. Follow all the steps of (i) BANK_CR above, up to creating Authorization Set Reference and Account Code as conditions. Now select Other Credit Total from the data items, and move it to the filter edit area. In the Edit Condition dialog, select operator Greater Than and below this type 1000. Click . Select . For the Results Destination, select the form AUTHDTL.
- In Authorization Stage Setup (AUS), create two stages
numbered 200 and 210.
- Give stage 200 the description 'Authorize Bank Credits for Ledger Entry'. In Filter Id, click on the button, and select the filter BANK_CR. For Stage Type select Ledger Entry/Import. In User Team Code select BANK0-1000. In Authorizer enter N1K.
- Give stage 210 the description 'Authorize Bank Credits >1000 for Ledger Entry'. In Filter Id, click on the button, and select the filter BANK_CR_G1000. For Stage Type select Ledger Entry/Import. In User Team Code select BANK>1000. In Authorizer enter CEO.
- In Journal Types (JNT), modify the journal type FGJ and check the Authorization Required check box in the Supplementary Financials tab.
Using the Example Configuration for Ledger Entry
The Originator
To use the authorizations, log in to SunSystems with user Id PK1, and enter a journal for journal type FGJ to account 52100 with a credit of 2000. Use 999 as the offset account for the debit. When you post the journal, it is not entered into the ledger, instead you must enter an Authorization Batch Comment, and click . On the Select Authorizer form, select N1K as the Operator Code of the authorizer. The message Authorization Batch Created Successfully is displayed on the status bar.
The First User Team
Log out of SunSystems, and log in again as user Id N1K. Select Authorization In Tray (AUT) from SunSystems. On the Selection - AUTHORIZER INTRAY form, enter the User Team Code BANK0-1000, and Assigned Authorizer N1K. The new authorization set is displayed with status Awaiting Authorization. Select the set, and click . Select , click on the program name dropdown list, select and click . Enter a comment and the authorization password for N1K.
The Second User Team
Log out of SunSystems, and log in again as user Id CEO. Select Authorization In Tray (AUT) from SunSystems. On the Selection - AUTHORIZER INTRAY form, enter the User Team Code BANK>1000, and Assigned Authorizer CEO. The new authorization set is displayed with status Awaiting Authorization. Select the set, and click . Select , click on the program name dropdown list, select and click . The message Posting Batch is displayed in the status bar.
Back to the Originator
Log back in as PK1, the originator of the transaction. From SunSystems select Authorization Originators In Tray (AOT). On the Selection - ORIGINATOR INTRAY form, enter PK1 as the current originator. The Authorization Set has been cleared, but can be viewed in Authorization Audit Trail (AAT).
Note: The Originator Intray can be invoked during any of the authorization stages in order to view the status.