Defining the Integration Settings

The Integration Settings form allows you to manage polling intervals. That is, to define how often SunSystems will process incoming and outgoing data, using the polling service interval for querying the ION inbox table for incoming messages, and the SSC push table for outgoing messages. This sets the rate at which SSC queries each table to process incoming and outgoing messages.

After you change the integration settings, restart the SunSystems services for the changes to take effect.

Note: You must ensure all users are logged out of SunSystems before restarting SunSystems services.
  1. Select Action > Integration Settings. Specify this information:
    Outgoing Polling Interval
    Enter the number of seconds of interval between each poll of the SSC push table for SunSystems data to be published.
    For the initial integration, that is, during the initial data publishing phase, it is recommended to set the outgoing polling interval to a short time, such as 5 seconds, so that data is published almost as soon as it is sent from the Data to be published form.
    Set Daily Polling Interval
    Optionally, check the Set Daily Polling Interval check box, then set the Hours and Minutes field to specify the time at which the daily poll for outgoing data will take place. This may be useful for ongoing integration, after the initial data publishing phase.
    Incoming Polling Interval
    Enter the number of seconds of interval between each poll of the ION inbox table for incoming data destined for SunSystems.
  2. Save your changes.