To set up function and function extension permissions for an operator group:
From the Groups tab right-click the required group and select Edit Group from the context menu. Alternatively, double-click the required group to manage.
Click the SunSystems Function Permissions option on the
left hand menu. A list of associated functions permissions is displayed.
Check the required check box to give the group access to functions.
Note: You can filter the list of functions by Menu Item Type, Default Category or Application Type to assist in selecting related
Check the Select All / None check box to change the permission status for all of the currently filtered functions.
Remove the filter, by selecting Any for the Filter By option, to display the complete list of function permissions.
Click Apply.
Click OK.
Note: Submenu items are automatically selected when a parent item is selected. Disabled checked parent items indicate that only
some of the submenu items have been selected.
Once permissions have been granted, function extensions can be added to the SunSystems Favorites group by individual users. Alternatively, they can be added to user group specific menus using User Group Menu
Designer. Such menus are available to all members of a given operator group.