Adding an operator group

When adding or maintaining a group in User Manager, further options are available for operator groups.

On the Group Details dialog, highlight SunSystems Operator Group.

  1. Specify this information:
    Operator Group Code
    Enter a code to identify this operator group. The User Manager group being created here is then mapped to this operator group.
    Short Heading
    Lookup Code
    Enable Clear Operator at Login
    Operators may get locked out of the system due to, for example, system failures. Select this option to enable members of this group to clear their own logins in order to remove the lock on their operator if this happens.
    Note: If this setting is not enabled, operators must contact their system administrators in order to clear their login.
    Requisitioning User Group
    Select this option to create a group for users who are only allowed to access these requisitioning functions:
    • PRE - Requisition Entry
    • PRP - Requisition Presets
    • RCG - Requisition Catalogue Setup
    • REM - Requisition Email Notification Configuration
    • RQA - Requisition Inquiry (All Requisitions)
    • RQM - Requisition Inquiry (My Requisitions)
    • RTS - Requisition Types
    • RWQ - Requisition Work Queue.
  2. Save your changes.