Editing export and internal transfer profile filters

To edit filters:

  1. Follow the steps outlined in the topic 'Using profile filters'.
  2. From the Filter Selection dialog, click Edit. The Filter Designer dialog is displayed.
  3. To add new data elements, select a data element in the left hand pane and drag and drop the item into the Filter pane.
  4. As you drop the data element, the Filter Criteria dialog is displayed.
  5. Click the Allow All Values check box or select an operator from the drop down list and enter a decimal value underneath.
    Note: When creating multiple filters, ensure that the filter logic has been correctly sequenced. An AND or OR operator can behave differently if sequenced in a different order, even though the selection is the same. The displayed text value assists you in this.
    Note: The Not Equals filter operator works the same as the equivalent filter operator in Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle, and excludes null columns from comparison. To include all records in a comparison using Not Equals, specify <value> IS NULL.

    For example, you could create the filter FilterByState as State Not Equal 'Middlesex' OR State IS NULL.

  6. Click OK. The filter clause is displayed as a text value in the Filter Designer dialog.
    Note: If necessary, these characteristics can be amended or deleted by right-clicking the data element in the filter pane.
  7. When you finish amending filters, click OK. The Filter Designer dialog is closed.
  8. From the Filter Selection dialog, select and enable the filter and click OK. The filter name is displayed in the relevant profile.