Running SunSystems Connect
You can open the SunSystems Connect Portal from http://<servername>/sunsystems-connectportal where <servername> is the name of the server running SSC.
Note: For remote access, go to and replace localhost with the name
of the server.
You can also access Connect Portal from SunSystems Connect Portal (SCP) in SunSystems.
Note: You must be a SunSystems Connect Administrator to access
Connect Portal.
When entering Journal Import details within the SunSystems demonstration data, do not enter information for the following LedgerPostParameter fields, as this invokes SQL errors:
- ReportErrorsOnly
- ReportingLayoutCode
- SuppressSubstitutedMessages.
service must be owned by a valid user on the domain and a valid set of
print drivers should be installed. This must be the printer that is set
in Document Format.