Creating a return note from an existing invoice or order
Note: You can access the details of
an existing invoice or order by entering the transaction reference on the sales return
note form and clicking . If you modify
these details using the Sales Return Note form, you
modify the original invoice or order. You cannot raise a sales return note in this way.
For example, if you amend the quantity, the quantity on the original transaction is
amended; a return note is not raised.
Using the Sales Return Note function you can create a return note from an existing invoice or order:
- Enter the required Sales Definition Code.
- Enter the required Customer Code.
- Click . The transaction reference number is automatically completed in the header.
- From the Generate Transaction Line form is displayed. menu select . The
- Enter the required information in the Transaction Type and Transaction Reference fields.
- Click the User Line Number field. The Order/Invoice Line Query form is displayed. button in the
- Highlight the required line and click .
- The information from the selected line is displayed on the Generate Transaction Lines form.
- Continue with steps 6 to 8 until all required lines have been selected.
- Click .
- Click Sales Return Note form. The information selected on the Generate Transaction Lines form is displayed. to return to the
- See The Sales Return Note Form Help for information about the fields displayed and the next steps you can take.