Confirming picked items
After the picking list has been produced and the items picked, you can confirm that the amounts picked and picking locations are correct, or make any amendments to the record as necessary. To do this use the Inventory Pick Confirmation (IPK) form.
Specify this information:
- Pick Transaction Reference
- The reference number for the pick transaction as shown on the picking list.
- Pick Transaction Line Number
- The number of the line on the pick transaction.
- Status
- Sales Order Transaction Reference
- The transaction reference of the original sales order.
- Item Code
- The code for the item.
- Description
- Pick Quantity
- The quantity to be picked. This may differ from the amount originally ordered.
- Picking Unit
- The unit for the item picked.
- Pick Confirmed Quantity
- If the quantity picked disagrees with the pick quantity this field is used to record the former. This can only be used to record a quantity that has been underpicked. That is, the quantity picked is less than the pick quantity originally entered. If this is the case, you need to use manual allocations to de-allocate the difference.
- Serialized
- Indicates whether or not this item must have serial numbers recorded for it.
- Name
- Name of the customer.
- Batch Reference
- The batch reference applied for traceability purposes as defined in Batch Reference Setup (BRS).
- Expiration Date
- The expiration date for the batch. You can obtain the audit trail history of expiry dates for the batch. This is available from the Batch Reference Setup (BRS) function.
The following options are available from the Action menu:
- Confirm Line
- This confirms the picked items for the selected line only.
- Confirm All
- This confirms all the lines on the picking list.
- Manual Allocations
This displays the Manual Inventory Allocations form if it is available.
Note: When an issue has been allocated to different batches, multiple pick lines are generated. When inventory pick confirmation uses manual allocations in these circumstances, the allocations for all pick lines relating to the issue are shown. Care must be used to amend the allocations relating to the current line. If the incorrect allocation is adjusted, manual allocations may allocate the receipts incorrectly across the pick lines, especially when allocations are for different locations. If this happens, carry out the following: 1. Open Manual Allocations. 2. Set all allocations to zero. 3. Allocate and exit from Manual Allocations. 4. Select each pick line in turn and enter Manual Allocations to allocate the correct receipt for line. 5. Exit Manual Allocations. - Serial Numbers
- This displays the Manual Inventory Allocation Assign Serial Number form which enables you to assign and unassign serial numbers as required if the item is serialized.
- Save your changes.