Producing Payment Documents

Payment Run and Payment Collection Run produce a payments file that contains the details of all of the payments or collections generated in the run. This file can be used to produce physical payment documents to support the payments or payment collections generated, if they are required.

Payment Documents (PYD) is used to produce these payment documents. This form appears automatically at the end of a payment run, or it can be run independently from the SunSystems menu.

You can choose to print payment documents for only some of the payments generated. For example, you may want to print the documents by currency and apply different payment document formats for each.

Note: Regardless of whether or not you print payment documents for a payment run, the payment run has posted the payment transactions to the ledger to record all of the payments.

The following steps are required to produce the payment documents:

  1. If necessary, access Payment Documents (PYD) from SunSystems.
  2. Enter or query the payment profile used to generate the payments and press Enter.
  3. Enter the range of accounts, currency and selection criteria to determine the payment documents you want to print, if applicable.
  4. Select Action > Print.
    The standard document format print request form is displayed to allow you to control the production of the payment documents.
  5. The Document Format Code at the top of this form determines the type of payment documents to be printed. If a document format code has been entered on the chosen payment profile, it is displayed here and cannot be changed. However, if a document format code has not been entered on the payment profile, then the last document format code used to produce payment documents for the chosen payment profile is displayed. If this is not the document format code you want to use, click Cancel to access this field and choose the required document format.
  6. Enter the remaining print request details. In particular you should pay attention to the following fields:
    Request fields Description
    Print Options if the Final Print option is not set, a draft version of the documents is produced. For example, for the predefined formats this inserts the word DRAFT in large characters at the top of each document.
    Print Test Page select this if you are printing on special stationery and want to check the paper is aligned correctly. See 'Printing on Special Stationery'.
    Document Date this is used as the posting date for the payment transactions and is the date printed on the remittance and cheque, if applicable.
    Data Settings Cheque numbers for Payment Documents - this displays the next cheque number to be printed and can be used to override this providing the document format allows this. See 'Assigning Payment Document Reference Numbers'.
    Note: If the payment documents to be printed include a system assigned transaction reference number, for example a cheque number, do not proceed if you have not set the correct starting reference number. See 'Assigning Payment Document Reference Numbers'.