Initiating a Payment Collection Run
Payment Collection Run (PYC) is used to settle the debit transactions on your debtor/receivables or client accounts using an automatic bank payment collection facility, such as direct debit. It can produce a bank transfer file for electronic transmission. It can also trigger the creation of any necessary payment documentation, for example in the form of remittances. See 'What is the Payment Collection Run?' for more information, if required.
The payment collection run begins by using the payment profile, and run time selection criteria to identify accounts to be considered for payment. It then uses the criteria to select the transactions on these accounts, for which payment is to be collected. See 'How Transactions are Selected for Payment or Collection'.
You can choose to only print the payment listing by setting the Post Transactions option to No. This allows you to review the proposed payment and make adjustments, if necessary. See 'Preparing for a Payment or Collection Run'.
The following steps are required to produce direct debit collection records using Payment Collection Run (PYC):