Voiding a System Generated Payment

Payment Voiding (PYV) allows you to cancel or reverse selected payments that have been created by Payment Run (PYR) and to reinstate the paid transactions as unpaid.

Note:  If you are using over-expenditure checking, Payment Voiding posts transactions even if budgets are exceeded.
Note:  You can also reverse payment journals using Journal Reversal and Copy (JRC).

Voiding the Payment Transactions

To void the payments, the system generates reversal journals for all of the payment transactions that were created for the selected payments, including any discount, exchange gain or loss, or tax transactions. See 'What Postings are Generated by Payment Run?'. It sets the allocation marker on both the original payment and reversal transactions to Correction. It also sets the Allocation Code on these transactions according to the code associated with the allocation action of Payment Voiding, if it has been set. See 'What are Allocation Codes?'.

Reinstating the Original Transactions

In addition to voiding the payments, Payment Voiding also reinstates the transactions that were paid. It sets allocation marker on these paid transactions to either Unallocated or Withheld, depending on whether or not they should be re-available for payment.

If accounting links are being used and a payment transaction being voided contains an intra-transaction link, any transactions that contain the same link reference are also reinstated.

Copying Ledger Analysis from the Payment Transactions

When you post the voiding transactions, as long as the payment method is not for single payments, a message is displayed giving you the option to include transactions with analysis separately in the reversal. This means that if the payment being reversed contains several transactions with differing analysis codes, you can choose to reverse each of these in separate transactions. In this case, each voiding transaction line copies the analysis codes from the payment transaction being reversed, thus reversing any ledger analysis posted on the payment transactions. Click Yes to include the analysis on separate reversal transactions, otherwise click No to create one voiding transaction line with no ledger analysis.

You can also use Business Rules to set or validate analysis codes on the voiding transactions. To do this, create an Event Profile that checks for a Function Code of Payment Voiding, and use a Call Point of either 00015 Populate or 00016 Validate Analysis on System Generated Transactions.

Note:  Regardless of the analysis on the original payment transactions, the analysis codes validated and set by Business Rules are definitive, and if different, override the original codes. This is because the Business Rules operate after the voiding process finishes setting analysis codes on the voiding transaction.
Note:  If a transaction fails validation by a Business Rule using call points 0015 or 0016, by default the error message is not shown in the transaction report. This is because it is not included in the SunSystems example reports; therefore, to show the details of such analysis code validation, you must add an appropriate column for this to the relevant payment voiding transaction report.