Consolidation - Bank Analysis Codes

Click Bank Analysis to display the Payment Run Consolidation form for the Bank Analysis Codes.

The purpose of this function is to allow the setting of analysis codes on the bank account transaction where Single Transaction to Payment Account is defined on the Payment Profile (PYP) or set in the Payment Run Bank Transfer form.

Note:  Where payment is by transaction currency and multiple variable currencies are in use, multiple bank payment lines are still generated according to those currencies. The payment lines are also summarized according to the analysis you set, and depending on the settings, multiple grouped lines may also result.
  1. Specify this information:
    Analysis Dimensions

    The Bank Analysis form lists the analysis dimensions assigned to the ledger. You can use this form to determine analysis on the bank transaction, where the Single Transaction to Payment Account check box is checked on the Payment Run Bank Transfer form (as described above).

    Leave all of the analysis dimensions blank to generate and post a single consolidated transaction to the payment account for the total amount paid by this run. This is the default option, providing the Single Transaction to Payment Account option is set.

    You can enter a specific analysis code for a dimension in order to set that code on the generated bank transaction(s).

    Additionally you can enter '..' against an analysis dimension to generate bank transactions with the same analysis codes (for that dimension) as the creditor / client side of the payment transaction. In this case, it is possible for several bank transactions to be generated, according to the common groupings of analysis codes.

    If you enter '..' for an analysis dimension, in order to copy that dimension's analysis codes from the creditor / client transaction lines you must first enter an option for the dimension on the Payment Run Consolidation form for Creditor / Client Analysis Codes. To do this, click Amend Consolidation, as described above.

    For a detailed description of how Bank Analysis interacts with Business Rules, see 'Analysis Consolidation and Interaction with Business Rules'.

    Consolidate Hierarchy

    If a principal to principal hierarchy has been defined on the transactions select this option to consolidate the transactions at each level of the hierarchy. See 'Using the Hierarchy to Produce Consolidated Payments'.

  2. Save your changes.