Posting a Journal

The Post command posts valid journals to the financial ledger. They are either posted as permanent postings or provisional postings, depending on the Provisional Postings option in Ledger Setup (LES).

Note:  If the Provisional Postings option is set to Optional, you can choose to post the journal transactions as either permanent or provisional postings. Provisional postings must be made permanent at a later stage, see 'Making Provisional Transactions Permanent'.

To post a journal using Ledger Entry (LEN), select Action > Post.

Ledger Entry checks that the journal meets all of the validation rules. See 'What Validation Controls Apply to Ledger Entries'.

If the journal passes all of the validation, it is posted to the ledger. A journal number is assigned automatically and appears briefly at the bottom of the form. See 'How Journal Numbers are Assigned and Monitored'.

If a transaction sequence number and registration date are being assigned automatically, these are also displayed alongside the journal number. See 'Introducing Ledger Sequence Numbering'.

A journal listing can be produced automatically after any posting, or only after main or provisional ledger postings, depending on the Force Journal Listing option chosen in Ledger Setup (LES).

Holding or Cancelling an Unposted Journal

If the journal does not pass the validation, the following message appears: Journal not posted, it will be held?

You have three choices:

  • Cancel - select this to return to Ledger Entry and correct the problem.
  • No - select this to discard the journal details completely. Another message appears asking you to confirm your choice to clear the journal.
  • Yes - select this to hold the journal. See 'Holding a Journal to Delay Posting'.

Correcting Errors

However careful you are, mistakes can be made when entering transactions.

The section 'Correcting Mistakes After Posting', outlines the amendments you can make to transactions which have been posted.