Business Unit Setup - Data Access Security
When you set up a static data record, you can assign a Data Access Group (DAG) to restrict user access to that record, for example, to limit access to a customer record in Customers (CUS). The following options determine whether or not the data access group restrictions you set on individual static data records must be complied with or ignored for particular types of reference data.
Note: In order to use SunSystems Connect (SSC) processing, these options must be set.
Complete this information:
- Customer Data
- This option determines whether the Data Access Group codes assigned to customers are complied with or ignored. If this option is not set, any Data Access Group codes you enter on customers are ignored, which means there is no restriction on who can enter and report on transactions entered in the customers' accounts, nor on who can access the customers using SSC.
- Supplier Data
- This option determines whether the Data Access Group codes assigned to suppliers are complied with or ignored. If this option is not set, any Data Access Group codes you enter on suppliers are ignored, which means there is no restriction on who can enter and report on transactions entered in the suppliers' accounts, nor on who can access the suppliers using SSC.
- Transaction Type
- This option determines whether the Data Access Group codes assigned to movement types, purchase types and sales types, are complied with or ignored. If this option is not set, any Data Access Group codes you enter on these transaction type definitions are ignored, which means there is no restriction on who can enter and report on transactions with those journal types, nor on who can access them using SSC.
- Item Data
- This option determines whether the Data Access Group codes assigned to item records are complied with or ignored. If this option is not set, any Data Access Group codes you enter on item records are ignored, which means there is no restriction on who can enter and report on Order Fulfilment transactions with those item records, nor on who can access the item records using SSC.
- Warehouse Data
- This option determines whether the Data Access Group codes assigned to warehouse records are complied with or ignored. If this option is not set, any Data Access Group codes you enter on warehouse records are ignored, which means there is no restriction on who can enter and report on Order Fulfilment transactions with those warehouses, nor on who can access the warehouse data using SSC.
- Zone Data
- This option determines whether the Data Access Group codes assigned to inventory zone records are complied with or ignored. If this option is not set, any Data Access Group codes you enter on zone records are ignored, which means there is no restriction on who can enter and report on Order Fulfilment transactions that refer to those inventory zones, nor on who can access the inventory zone data using SSC.
- Location Data
- This option determines whether the Data Access Group codes assigned to inventory location records are complied with or ignored. If this option is not set, any Data Access Group codes you enter on location records are ignored, which means there is no restriction on who can enter and report on Order Fulfilment transactions that refer to those inventory locations, nor on who can access the inventory location data using SSC.
- Financials Reports/Inquiries
- This option determines whether the Data Access Group codes assigned to Financials data are complied with or ignored. This applies to all data items in the Financials module that have Data Access Groups associated, except for accounts, journal types, and ledger analysis data, all of which are covered by the options described below.
- Account Data
- This option determines whether the Data Access Group codes assigned to accounts are complied with or ignored. If this option is not set, any Data Access Group codes you enter on accounts are ignored, which means there is no restriction on who can enter and report on transactions in the accounts, nor on who can access the accounts using SSC.
- Journal Type Data
- This option determines whether the Data Access Group codes assigned to journal types are complied with or ignored. If this option is not set, any Data Access Group codes you enter on journal types are ignored, which means there is no restriction on who can enter and report on transactions with those journal types, nor on who can access them using SSC.
- All Ledger Analysis Data
- This option determines whether the Data Access Group codes assigned to ledger analysis dimensions and codes are complied with or ignored. Set this option to apply security to data associated with all ledger analysis dimensions for this business unit. If this option is not set, you can apply security to individual ledger analysis dimensions as described below.
- Ledger Analysis 1 to 10 Data
- These options determine whether the Data Access
Group codes assigned to analysis codes in each individual Analysis
Dimension 1 to 10 are complied with or ignored. If this option is
not set for an analysis dimension, and the All Ledger Analysis Data
option is not set, then any Data Access Group entered on analysis
codes in that dimension are ignored, which means there is no
restriction on who can enter and report on transactions with those
analysis codes, nor on who can access them using SSC.
Note: You cannot set the Ledger Analysis 1 to 10 Data security option for a non-validated analysis dimension, that is, one whose Validated option is not checked in Analysis Dimensions (AND).
- Save your changes.
Parent topic: Setting up a business unit