Enabling the Publication and Subscription of SunSystems BODs
From SunSystems version 6.2.0 onwards, SSC has enabled the publication and subscription of SunSystems BODs for 26 static data entities:
- Account
- Address
- Analysis Code
- Analysis Dimension
- Currency Code
- Currency Daily Rates
- Currency Period Rates
- Currency Rate Type
- Customer
- Daybook Setup (Publish only)
- Item
- Item Customer
- Journal Entry
- Journal Presets
- Journal Type
- Ledger Revaluation Profiles (Publish only)
- Ledger Setup (Publish only)
- Payment Profiles (Publish only)
- Period
- Purchase Business Setup (Publish only)
- Purchase Order Presets
- Purchase Types (Publish only)
- Sales Order Presets
- Sales Types (Publish only)
- Supplier
- Value Labels.
Knowledge Base article KB1453504 provides SunSystems BOD schema files etc., to download and register into ION so they can be recognized in the same way as Infor OAGIS BODs. The steps to include them into connection point and document flow are same as for Infor OAGIS BODs. To configure them in SunSystems, refer to the topic Configuring Business Rules for SunSystems BOD Publication.
To upload the zip file containing the .xsd and .xml files use