
  1. Specify this information:
    Preset Code
    An identifying code for the preset.
    Preset Short Heading
    The preset short heading.
    Preset Status
    The preset status.
    Preset Description
    The preset description.
    Preset Lookup
    The preset lookup.
    Preset Type
    The type of preset required. The options are:
    • Start of document - To attach the preset to the start of the document.
    • Item - To attach the preset to an item. The item is specified in the Item Code field.
    • Prompted - To prompt the user.
    • Line number - To attach the preset to a line of the document.
    • End of Document - To attach the preset to the end of the document.
    Preset Line Number
    Number of the line within the preset. In Requisition Entry, the line is incremented automatically, so this field applies the preset to a line.
    Preset Totalling
    If this box is checked, you can total or subtotal a line value over the lines entered.
  2. Save the changes.