Producing a Financial Analysis Report

Financial Analysis (FNA) is used to run a financial analysis report. The report is identified by a layout code which must have been defined using Financial Analysis Layouts (FNL).

If the report uses the optional ledger balances that can be maintained by the system, you are offered the option to update the balances when you produce the report. See 'Updating the Balance File When Running Reports'.

Note:  If a Transfer File Format was selected for the report, a transfer file is also produced. See 'Transferring Report Data to other Software Packages'.

If you have entered a column code on the financial analysis layout that requires budget information, SunSystems looks for the relevant budget ledger. If it cannot find it, the budget amounts are shown as zero on the report.

If you have selected Consolidation in Financial Analysis Layouts, the first time you run the report using Financial Analysis you are prompted to enter up to thirty business unit codes for consolidation in the report. You can subsequently amend the business unit codes selected, if required. See 'Consolidating Data in a Report'.

Note:  Financial Analysis reports do not use the standard report parameter input forms, although a document format code is required and is defined in the Financial Analysis Layout.
  1. Specify this information:
    Layout Code
    The code for the financial analysis report you want to produce, as defined in Financial Analysis Layout. The name of the report appears alongside the code.
    Supplementary Report Name
    An additional title for the report. This name is printed at the top of each page, underneath the text specified in the Layout Name fields in Financial Analysis Layout.
    Period From/To
    The accounting period, or range of periods, you want to be included in this report. See 'Setting the Accounting Period for a Report'.
    Selection 1-5 From/To
    Up to five run time selection criteria for the report are displayed. For example, you may be prompted to enter a range of account codes, analysis codes and currency codes. This criteria determines the transactions that are retrieved for the report and is defined on Financial Analysis Layouts (FNL). See 'Selecting the Data for a Financial Report'.

    You can enter a single code, or a range or codes, for each selection dimension. Leave the fields blank to select all of the codes available for the dimension.

  2. The Financial Analysis Consolidation dialog appears when you select Action > Amend Consolidation, providing the Consolidate option is selected for the report.
    You can consolidate values from up to 30 different business units on the report. See 'Consolidating Data in a Financial Analysis Report'.

    Specify this information:

    Business Unit Codes
    Up to 30 business unit codes can be consolidated on the report. The business unit codes are saved for subsequent report runs. So, each time you run the report you do not need to re-enter all of the codes, you only need to make any amendments required
  3. Save your changes.