Creating internal transfer profiles
You can use internal transfer profiles to take data from SunSystems and return it in a different form to the SunSystems data source. For example, you could use internal transfer profiles to copy the data from one business unit to another, or to convert addresses to account codes.
You can also use an internal transfer to amend existing data. For example, you may wish to substitute the third line of every address with a postal code. To do this, select existing addresses and create a transformation to replace the existing third line of every address with the postal code from the same address.
To create a new internal transfer profile, use Internal Transfer Profile Designer as follows:
- Open Transfer Profiles (TRP).
Click New
Transfer Profile Designer opens.
Complete this information:
- Profile Type
- Select Internal Transfer.
The Internal Transfer Profile Designer dialog subsequently opens.
- Profile Name
- Enter a unique profile name. This name is given to your profile and identifies the profile.
- Description
- Enter a description of the profile.
- Source Component
- Select a component for the internal transfer profile. The
associated methods, source data format and transformation are
The selected component is displayed as the source and as the target component, along with two sets of tabs:
- source runtime options relevant to the profile, in the top section of the dialog
- target runtime options relevant to the target component, in the bottom section of the dialog.
- Business Unit
- Specify a source business unit.
If this profile is specific to a business unit, enter the business unit code, otherwise leave blank to mandate entry at run time.
You can override this option at run time.
- Filter
- Select a filter.
- You can override this option at run time.
- Target Component
- Select a component for the import profile. The associated methods, source data format and transformation are displayed.
- Target Method
- Select a method.
The method defines how the SunSystems data will be transformed.
- Transformation
- Select a transformation.
Where the source and target are the same SunSystems data format, a default system transformation is provided for you. You must create a transformation if the source and target formats are not compatible.
- Business Unit
- Specify a target business unit.
If this profile is specific to a business unit, enter the business unit code, otherwise leave blank to mandate entry at run time.
You can override this option at run time.
Note: For a Financials Only business unit, we recommend that import profiles contain financials only data. It is possible for import profiles containing Order Fulfilment data to be imported into a Financials Only business unit, but only the financials data will be included; any Order Fulfilment data will be ignored. - Save Payload
- This option allows you to specify whether the input or output
payload is saved during processing, or both. Select
Input, Output, or
Both. If you do not want to save the
payload, select None.
You can override this option at run time.
- Email Notification
- In the Email
Notification list, select
Enabled to notify users when the profile
has been processed, otherwise select
You can override this option at run time.
- Email Address
- Enter the full email address to which you want a notification
sent when processing is complete, using the appropriate format, such
as name@emailserver.address. If you want to
notify several email addresses, list them all in this field,
separating each with a semi colon.
Note: Email addresses are not validated, therefore you are recommended to verify they are correct.
You can override this option at run time.
- Email Content
- The email notification automatically contains the text for
whether the process has succeeded or failed. If you want to append
any additional text to the notification, enter it here, otherwise
leave blank.
You can override this option at run time.
Click Save
Click Discard Changes if you do not want to save the new profile.
- Click Yes to return to Transfer Profiles or click No to remain in the Transfer Profile Designer.