On-Time Delivery - Order Lines
This column chart displays the percentage of orders delivered early, on time and late during the specified period. The report is based on the comparison of:
- Actual and Confirmed date
- Actual and Planned Date
- Confirmed and Planned Date
to filter the
data as required.
to view the
Detail report.
To change the view of the report, in the On Time Type field, select:
- Actual vs Confirmed date
- Actual vs Planned Date
- Confirmed vs Planned Date
The first column of the report lists the items for which the On-Time
Delivery - Order Lines report is generated. Click
, to select the
dimension, such as, by ship-from, by supplier and by item. For example, If you
select by supplier, the first column displays the supplier list and if you
select by ship-from, the first column displays the ship-from list.
When the dimension is selected by item, the measure cannot be number of orders. When the number of orders is selected with the other dimensions, only the Actual vs. Confirmed date can be selected in the On Time Type field.
The Inventory Unit column is displayed only when you select the by item dimension.
The remaining columns display the measure for early, on time and late deliveries. Initially the measure is the number of order lines.